PEMF Therapy for Everyone
With so many benefits, PEMF can help everyone

Vitality and stamina
Many people live with daily tiredness, affecting work, relationships and quality of life. Many factors can be involved: sleep loss, stress, an unbalanced diet and blood sugars, lack of exercise, low blood oxygen levels and, increasingly, electro-smog. Many turn to stimulants or over-eating, resulting in exhausted adrenals, weight gain, and a continuous destructive cycle. PEMF therapy offers a great short cut, re-energising every cell with the same natural energies that our bodies evolved with. A Life Mat is effectively a natural battery charger, for your body.

Personal productivity varies greatly between people and responds to many factors including personality, motivation and organisation. However, physical energy levels are a key factor, and PEMF therapy is one of the easiest ways of ensuring that your body can keep up with your intentions. For many people, this alone can justify the cost of owning a system. From large companies to home businesses, having access to a PEMF machine can be a very effective capital investment.

Constant fatigue
When fatigue becomes chronic, you find people who struggle with everything; sometimes even getting out of bed or leaving the house takes a huge effort. Ironically, these same people tend to be highly motivated, and impatient; often they have forced themselves through a wall of everyday tiredness until their bodies seem to give up. Using PEMF therapy, major improvements are common (it’s not a quick fix: seeing results usually takes months, and patience, stress management and endocrine regulation are often essential).

Mainstream medicine has become ever more sophisticated, but doctors and hospital systems are struggling to cope as disease rates climb among young and old. We’re living longer, but sicker, and taking personal responsibility for our health has become ever more important. PEMF therapy is not a panacea or cure, but if there’s another home technology that can match PEMF’s effects on circulation, immune cells, pain, inflammation, energy levels and sleep, we’ve yet to hear of it. It’s the ideal tool to promote a healthy, vigorous life. “An ounce of prevention… .”

Immune System
PEMF fields have been shown to increase the quantity of cellular messengers called interleukins which play a key role in the development of immune system cells. It appears to particularly boost the number of T-cells, and the activity levels of phagocytes. The result is a more robust immune response in which macrophages are better able to destroy invading pathogens, and your body is better equipped to fight off infections.

Pain and Inflammation
PEMF therapy often helps with pain and inflammation from both recent and chronic issues. Chronic pain commonly occurs when a distracted immune system causes inflammation and a distorted response to nerve signals. Key to this are hormones called prostaglandins, and several studies have shown that PEMF can help regulate them. Other studies have shown that reduced access to magnetic field energy can cause reduced output of our natural pain reliever, endorphins, so optimising them with a focused magnetic field has obvious potential.

Circulation and oxygen
PEMF therapy boosts blood flow and oxygenation of tissues in several ways. By re-energising cell membranes, it produces less clumping and more movement among red blood cells (easily seen under a dark field microscope). PEMF also increases the dilation of arteries by boosting output of Nitric Oxide or NO (the discovery of NO’s various roles won the Nobel Prize in 1998 and one result was Viagra). And by inhibiting prostaglandins (involved in aggregation of platelets), it has an anticoagulant effect.

Human Growth Hormone, or hGH, may be the single most important factor in skin quality, muscle growth, sex drive, flexibility, metabolism, and related health issues. Some people have expensive hGH injections but low-intensity PEMF offers a natural alternative by: 1) stimulating deep, healthy sleep (during which hGH output peaks), and 2) increasing production in the liver of growth hormone co-factors, especially IGF-2 which is thought to boost the availability and effects of hGH itself.

Slow metabolism, over acidity, sleep loss and fatigue are all key factors in weight gain. Shallow sleep and constant fatigue often lead to a cycle of over-eating, weight gain and even more fatigue. Low-intensity PEMF offers at least partial answers, including its vital effects on sleep and hGH levels. Its ability to help reduce stress is also crucial since stress-induced cortisol is involved in weight gain. Exercise, calories and carb/fat ratios are still important, but once you have enough energy to break the cycle, weight loss should become much easier.

Joints and mobility
Keeping flexible and mobile is a key factor in our longevity, independence and well being. However, over-exercising, repetitive minor movements or a sedentary lifestyle can cause various problems in our joints, ligaments and tendons. And most of us have creaky joints by our sixties or much earlier. Fortunately, PEMF therapy has two advantages: its inhibiting effects on prostaglandins and inflammation, and its stimulating effects on chondrocytes (the main cells in cartilage which buffers the bones inside our joints).

Bone Strength
Loss of bone density is common as we age, particularly in women over the age of 50. This can cause severe back pain and the constant risk of major fractures resulting from the smallest of falls. PEMF can stimulate production of osteoblast, chondrocyte and Type 1 collagen cells responsible for building mature bone tissue, and their balance with osteoclasts (which prevent the formation of too much bone). Repairing difficult fractures was how PEMF therapy began, and boosting bone strength remains one of its most potent uses.

Skin and ageing
Leading causes of skin problems, damage and wrinkles include stress, sleep loss, acidity, toxic skin products, poor circulation and oxygen levels, sluggish lymphatic and elimination systems, too much sun, falling or unbalanced hormone levels, and reduced collagen output. In addition to its vital effects on sleep and hGH production, PEMF therapy offers background help with many of these problems but this is especially true when it’s combined with certain other technologies.

Conceiving and becoming a parent takes a lot of energy. Pre- or post-natal complications are less likely if all the body’s systems and cells are working well, so PEMF’s oxygenating and energizing effects have obvious potential. Being very cautious, we don’t recommend it during pregnancy, but it is highly recommended before and after (when a woman’s body needs all the help it can get to regain muscle tone, and avoid post natal back pain, hormonal imbalances, and depression).

You can consume the best diet and supplements in the world, but how much of them your cells absorb depends on the state of your cell membranes, and the state of the nervous system and microbiome in your digestive tract. These processes seem to be compromised in most of us and are prompting much research. PEMF therapy can increase cell membrane permeability (including nutrient pathways), and reduce stress and inflammation in the gut. Like other aspects of PEMF, we’ve found great potential for combining it with other types of therapy.
Quality of Life

Feeling good
In many people today, feeling down and anxious is a constant state. This can rob them of the motivation to change anything, and lead to various effects on physical health. Tackling this at the physical level can be make it much more manageable, especially when combined with exercise or cognitive therapy. The result is a balancing of neuro-transmitters like serotonin and dopamine, leading to one type of PEMF therapy being approved as a clinical treatment for depression. The feel-good effect that most people notice with PEMF has a sound physiological explanation..

Insomnia, sleep apnea, urgent urination and other sleep interruptions are common, and up to a third of all adults are now thought to suffer from chronic sleep loss. A 2013 documentary, by the BBC and the University of Surrey, found that interrupted sleep is a significant factor in brain fog, memory issues, weight gain, and expression of genes linked with major lifestyle diseases. With PEMF therapy, most people report improved sleep, and even the few who don’t usually say that they enjoy the extra energy despite their sleep problems.

We live in a stressful society, with long working hours, long commutes and information overload. Our bodies evolved for immediate fight or flight responses, so powerful stress hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol, are activated constantly. Constant muscle tension causes back pain, neck pain and headaches. And medicine now sees stress as a major disease factor. Just 8-16 minutes a day of PEMF therapy (especially with Sound and Light, and Heart Rate Variability feedback) is one of the best ways of turning off the stress switch and unwinding.

Study and learning are much easier when the central nervous system is relaxed yet energised. We’ve had various customers, from school children to business people to retirees, report better mental energy, focus and learning after starting to use a Life Mat. This can lead to better exam results, new opportunities, and even a new sense of purpose. There are many psychological and financial benefits to acquiring new knowledge and skills. And with memory loss affecting younger and younger people, we might just reduce a ticking demographic time bomb!
The Main Benefits of PEMF Therapy