Offers, Prices + Orders

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Special Offers

For a limited time, we have the following offers, containing savings of £1100 to £1600.

These offers are available worldwide, shipped from regional centers. However, prices are set in regional currencies and these British Pound prices are only available for deliveries in the UK (exclusive of 20% VAT, 2% duty and £75 shipping).

1) Order the iMRS Prime Advanced Set and get an upgrade to the Hybrid Set

If you order our Advanced Set at £3793, you’ll receive a free upgrade to the Hybrid Set (normally £4995), an initial saving of £1202 (there are even greater savings if you compare this with adding on the accessory components later, see below).

Sets add on two devices, the Exagon Brain (brain entrainment, normally £478) and the Exagon Sense (biofeedback, normally £541) in a discounted bundle.

This combination (Hybrid system, plus Brain, plus Sense) represents the highest possible version of the iMRS Prime series for use in both homes and clinics, and we rarely have an upgrade offer that combines all these aspects and generates such large savings.

Before the upgrade, an Advanced system already contains the control unit, connector box, pad and spot applicators. The upgrade to Hybrid adds on:

  • The iGuide database of several hundred condition settings.
  • The Split Mode. This enables you to treat two different body areas with two local applicators at the same time, e.g. a painful lower back and a sore knee.
  • The Hybrid Mat.

The Hybrid mat has the same basic PEMF coils used in all our mats, but then adds on a second layer of advanced carbon fibre emitters. This generates a simultaneous hybrid field of PEMF and Far InfraRed. For more on the added advantages of this hybrid field, please refer to our article: iMRS Prime Review Part 6: Far InfraRed. For the benefit of all Hybrid system owners, the hybrid field is now incorporated into all operating modes, including the two new and more advanced Fast Start programs (Longevity and Cell Training) and the iGuide conditions database. For more information on these update advances, please refer to our article iMRS Prime Review Part 7: a 4-year progress report

The first of the additional elements in the Prime sets is the Exagon Brain. This device instantly adds another level of relaxation, stress release, and brain state of your choice, especially through the Fast Start programs. By dialing down stress and anxiety, and the user’s Autonomic Nervous System, this approach helps deepen the effects of the combined PEMF and Far InfraRed field. Stress is a major factor in overall health, especially for the cardiovascular and immune systems: How Stress Affects Your Body. If you’d like to know more about the benefits of using the Exagon Brain, please read our article iMRS Prime Review Part 1: Brain Entrainment

The second element is the iMRS Prime’s other optional accessory, the Exagon Sense. Using a small finger clip containing a light scanning diode, the Sense monitors the user’s Heart Rate Variability (HRV) levels and turns the whole system into a continuous biofeedback loop, raising and lowering field intensities according to their HRV.

This helps to both continuously match the field strength with the state of the user’s Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and also tune up the ANS for long-term gains in stress response and therefore overall health. For more on what biofeedback offers, go to: iMRS Prime Review Part 2: Bio-feedback

Using brain entrainment and bio-feedback is when PEMF truly turns into its own spa experience, whether at home or in a clinic.

The savings go even higher when compared with adding on these accessories later. The iMRS Prime Hybrid system normally costs £4398, and to add on the Brain and Sense devices later costs £478 and £541 respectively, for a total of £5417. So the total saving with this offer is potentially £5417 minus £3793 = £1624.

Please note that anyone ordering the Hybrid system or set will also receive a free pair of iMRS Prime travel bags.

2) Order the iMRS Prime Advanced system and receive the Hybrid system

If you order a Prime Advanced system at £3215, you’ll actually receive our Prime Hybrid system (normally £4398), a saving of £1183.

The Advanced system already includes the Control Unit, Connector Box, body-length PEMF Mat, Pad and Spot applicators. The Hybrid adds on the iGuide database and Split Mode, and replaces the basic PEMF mat with the more advanced PEMF and Far InfraRed mat.

This is essentially the same offer as the previous one (option 1) except that it’s just for a system, rather than a set (sets include the discounted brain entrainment and biofeedback accessories, and therefore much larger savings). If you think you’re likely to add on the Brain and the Sense later, it makes most sense to go for Offer 1) above, at an extra cost of only £578.

3) Order the iMRS Prime Basic system and receive the Expert system

If you order a Prime Basic system at £2709, you’ll actually receive our Prime Expert system (normally £3793), a saving of £1085.

The Basic system already includes the Control Unit, Connector Box, body-length basic PEMF Mat and Pad applicators. The Expert level adds on the Spot applicator, iGuide database and Split Mode.


We supply these offers to customers worldwide, at local prices that are guaranteed to be at least as good as those available anywhere else.

The only reason we don’t display full price lists on the Life Mat website is at the request of our manufacturer, Swiss Bionic Solutions. This is in response to some websites displaying bogus or out-of-date prices. We process initial orders ourselves but they are ultimately fulfilled by Swiss Bionic Solutions: Swiss Bionic will only complete an order at their official pricelist for that country, whatever a distributor might claim.

Since final prices are the same across all distributors, the only difference between them is each distributor’s level of experience, knowledge, advice, training and support.

Our prices depend on the country where the system is to be delivered. So for instance, British Pound prices are only available for UK deliveries. Euro prices include VAT and are therefore different for every country in the EU (determined by their individual VAT levels).

Note: like all imports from other countries, shipments into the UK are subject to VAT at 20%, a customs duty of 2% and a small customs clearance charge on arrival into the UK.

Our main currencies are Euros (for most of Europe); Swiss Francs; Canadian Dollars; Hong Kong Dollars (for most of Asia) and US Dollars (for the USA and most of the Caribbean, Latin America, Middle East, Africa and Australia).


Shipping is calculated separately. For example, an iMRS Prime system or set shipped from Germany to the UK will cost £75 using the FedEx economy service. This usually takes around a week following receipt of your order. FedEx Express is also available at a little over £250 and takes around three days.

Shipping of Omnium1 systems to the UK has to use FedEx Express (due to shipping regulations concerning the type of battery included with it) and costs £186.

Shipping of iMRS Prime systems inside mainland Europe varies depending on the country, but generally from just over €30 for those inside the EU and just over €85 for those outside. Again, shipping times vary from two days to a week, using DHL or FedEx economy or express services.


If you’re thinking about ordering one of our PEMF devices but need more information, just call us. There’s no pressure and we’ll be happy to help you select the best system for your needs.

We’ve been handling orders, shipping, training and product support for the MRS2000, iMRS / iMRS2000, Omnium1 and now iMRS Prime systems for almost 15 years (making us among the most experienced distributors worldwide). So there’s no lack of knowledge, efficiency or experience at any stage of the process.

Once you’re ready to order, we’ll take your details and get your system shipped out to you. We accept the following cards:

  • American Express
  • Diners Club
  • Maestro
  • Mastercard
  • Visa

You can also pay by bank transfer but please allow an extra day or two for bank-to-bank payment processing.

Your system is normally dispatched within a day or two of your order (depending which country we’re shipping to) and an email with tracking information will follow soon after that.

Once your system arrives, we offer you a full, free consultation and training call. During this, we’ll address any set-up issues you might have, share our long experience of iMRS devices, PEMF and energy medicine, and advise you on wide-ranging treatment protocols for yourself and anyone else who may want to use the system.

Even after the initial order and training process is over, we’d like you to stay in touch and let us know how your PEMF system has fitted into your life.