Feel alive again!
With the outstanding
The world’s most advanced PEMF machine
Can PEMF Revitalise Our Bodies?
That’s the conclusion from thousands of clinical studies spanning over 50 years with Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) machines.
Today, the Life Mat Company has customers worldwide using their own PEMF mat systems. Typical results include less pain, deeper sleep, more energy, stronger bones, better circulation, and improved health and well being.
For 15 years, Life Mat owner and registered therapist Paul Lowe has specialised in top-quality, Swiss-made MRS2000 / iMRS systems and now the iMRS Prime, with its advanced hybrid features. He found that a low-intensity PEMF mat is by far the best and safest type of PEMF machine for regular use, especially when used in a combination protocol. Our mat-based systems start at £2709 (€3893, US$4827) and in March 2025, we’re offering two free upgrades, including our Basic system and the flagship iMRS Prime Hybrid system.
The iMRS Prime. It’s special.
Aluminium casing. Toughened glass screen.
Hybrid PEMF
PEMF. Far Infra Red.
Hybrid PEMF +
Bio Feedback. Brain Entrainment.
Future proofed
Ten ports. Upgradeable firmware. Strong + durable.
After replacing the 10-years-old iMRS system, the iMRS Prime is at a level well beyond any other PEMF machine we know of. Combining a PEMF mat with Far Infra Red, BioFeedback, Brain Entrainment and mixed waveforms results in an advanced hybrid system, well beyond basic PEMF.
The iMRS Prime can analyse key health stats, adjust its signal to your needs, give instant relaxation and treat two body areas at the same time. It has a database of settings for different health issues, can create any type of PEMF signal, and can handle remote upgrades as PEMF evolves. Plus an easy graphical display to suit all users.
These are not just gimmicks. In an age of high stress and anxiety, poor sleep and energy levels, weakened circulation and immune systems, the iMRS Prime relaxes your central nervous system to deepen the effects of PEMF and then dramatically boosts it with Far Infra Red. It does all of this intelligently, safely and gently (unlike so many other PEMF machines) with the same parameters found in Nature.
And it has a level of quality and safety which is almost unique in the PEMF industry, passing all the requirements for certification as a medical device. This requires expert, expensive, truly independent inspections and testing. Incredibly, the vast majority of PEMF devices (regardless of the major risks often posed by their absurdly high intensity levels) are just classed as wellness tools, with nothing more than a basic FDA registration (not approval) and a CE electrical label (like a toaster!)
PEMF Therapy – so many benefits.

More energy. Better health. Deeper sleep.
Turn it on and lie on the mat. Ten minutes later, your body’s trillions of cells are re-charged.
Low energy levels affect motivation, productivity, health and our experience of life. Key factors are poor sleep, circulation and oxygen levels. This type of PEMF mat can help all of these, especially in a combination protocol.
Most of our clients report better sleep, feeling younger, stronger, more energized and productive.
Tissue repair. Pain relief.
Use spot applicators with a signal type used by NASA scientists for tissue repairs.
Most pain comes from inflammation, injuries and fractures, systemic health problems, or a shortage of pain-relieving endorphins. Using combined whole-body and localised PEMF can help with all of this.
Most of our clients report less pain, faster recovery and more flexibility.

Stress relief. Quality of life.
Combine PEMF with brain entrainment + bio-feedback to stay calm, focused + positive.
Our enjoyment of life is affected by stress, anxiety, moods and overall health. An advanced PEMF mat can help by calming the Autonomic Nervous System and boosting various neuro-transmitters.
Most of our clients report a new sense of well being, sometimes life-changing.
” PEMF is a benefit for Mankind from infant to geriatric, and will lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine. “
Dr. Linus Pauling. Double Nobel Prize winner. Named one of the 20 greatest scientists ever by New Scientist magazine.
For a selection of clinical studies, go to our PEMF research page or visit the PubMed database from the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Why Life Mat?
PEMF mats are unlike most other products — they have a far greater effect on your life. And your choice of supplier can hugely affect your immediate and long-term results. With Life Mat you’ll receive:
- Free consultations and training – from a qualified, BCMA-registered therapist.
- Expert advice – from focusing on PEMF for 16 years.
- Specialist support – from supplying iMRS systems for 15 years.
- Objective comparisons – from using over 20 other PEMF machines.
- EMF remediation – from training as a specialist environmental consultant.
- Combination protocols – from over 20 years as an Energy Medicine therapist.
There’s more about us on the Why Us page.
Our PEMF machines can be smart investments
Vs other purchases
Here’s an affordable investment that helps you every day, in every part of your life, for many years to come.
Vs other therapies
Very few therapies can match PEMF for easy health support, in your own home, whenever you want it.
The cost of ageing + ill health
We’re living longer but often with chronic, life-draining health issues, which can get miserable and costly.
Getting things done
Some say their mat paid for itself in productivity. Some could work again for the first time in years.
Quality of life
We’ve helped countless people with pain, fatigue, stress and sleep issues. For some, it’s a new lease of life.
Change someone’s life
Some give a PEMF mat system to a friend, parent or child. It’s often a life-changing gift.